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Conlangs on Freeciv

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 4:07 pm
by jan_Pusa
I play Freeciv, a free and open-source version of Sid Meier's Civilization.
The have Esperanto and Lojban as playable nations (see attached pics)
I was just wondering if we could do the same thing for TP? I already have ideas for it.

ni li pona anu seme?

Re: Conlangs on Freeciv

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 4:42 pm
by janMato
I found the freeciv PO/POT files here:

It has challenging sentences like:
"Your attempt to unilaterally dominate outer space is highly offensive."

mi pilin e ni: sina wile e ijo ni. taso sina jo pini ala e ni. sina wile kama jan jawa pi sewi pimeja suli kama jan lawa wan taso. ni li ike suli tawa jan ale.

I know there is a project to translate the text of World of Goo to toki pona that is mostly finished.

Re: Conlangs on Freeciv

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:53 am
by jan_Pusa
I was thinking of adding a TP nation to it. Below is what the nation's .ruleset file would look like:

legend=_("The Ponans are the people who speak Toki Pona, a constructed language that focuses on simplicity.")
"jan Sonja", ;Sonja Kisa (Creator of Toki Pona)
"jan Pije", ; B.J. Knight (Toki Pona Instructor)
"jan Male", ;Marek Blahus (Moderator of the defunct mail group)
"jan Mimoku", ;Joop Kiefte (Moderator of the defunct mail group)
leader_sex="Female", "Male", "Male", "Male",
flag_alt = "-"
city_style = "Tropical"


cities =
"Kisa", "Majuna", "Tuli",
"Po", "Pasila", "Kan", "Kapesi",
"Leko (mountains)", "Kapa (mountains)", "Pata",
"Iki", "Powe", "Nesi"

Note that the city names are old words except for "Nesi" . If "namako", "kipisi", "pu", and "monsuta" don't get in, they might as well end up here...