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Pri uskleco de tokipono / about the case (sensitivity)

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 4:14 am
by balou67
Mi demandis min, hazarde vizitante la vendejon, kial "Toki Pona" havas grandajn inicialojn, kaj rimarkis ke estas same pri la wikio.
Plu serĉante, mi trovis ke sur la esperanta wikio estas "Tokipono". Ĉu la angla ne estu "Toki pona", do?
Tio eble estas sentaŭgaĵojn, tamen, almenaŭ pri la vestaĵoj, oni eble uzu la plenan tokiponan version: "toki pona", ĉu ne?

I wondered, while visiting the shop, why is "Toki Pona" written with capitalized first letters, and noticed it's the same on the wiki.
Seeking on, I found that on the esperanto wiki is written "Tokipono". Shouldn't the english be "Toki pona", then?
Maybe I'm uselessly missing the point, but, at least on the clothes, we might use the fully toki pona version: "toki pona", don't we?

Humile, Kriĉjo.

PS: How to say "oni" in english without using "one" or "we" which sound to me like "anybody" and "us all", which is to wide for what i'd mean? Thanks :D

Re: Pri uskleco de tokipono / about the case (sensitivity)

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:49 pm
by janKipo
There is also "they," with its associations. English doesn't do 'oni' well, but the usual choice is to go passive: "shouldn't the fully tp version be used."

Different languages just have different conventions about all of this: English likes to capitalize proper names -- in all their parts -- and related adjectives, German like to capitalize all nouns, French like to capitalize only proper names (I think E-o shares this habit?), tp only proper adjectives. When in a language do its thing.

Re: Pri uskleco de tokipono / about the case (sensitivity)

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 3:16 pm
by mije Wi
When I speak English, i think i should write Toki Pona. It's a proper name.
At the same way in Italian i don't capitalize names of languages, but in Toki Pona or in English I do capitalize the word for Italian.