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toki musi pi tenpo mun ali tawa jan pi toki pona

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:14 am
by Jan KoAla
jan ali o, toki!

mi pilin e ni: mi mute li ken ala ken pali e toki musi pi tenpo mun ali kepeken toki pona. mi mute li ken pali e ni la, ni li pona tawa toki pona. sina mute li pilin ala pilin e ni: ni li pona.

kepeken toki Inli:

Hey everybody!

I was wondering if we could put together some kind of monthly magazine or newspaper. I think it would be good for toki pona, and wouldn't be too time consuming. Let me know what you guys think.

Re: toki musi pi tenpo mun ali tawa jan pi toki pona

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:23 pm
by Kuti
pilin sina li pona.
pilin ni li ante ... =toki+pona
taso ken la ni li pona kin

Re: toki musi pi tenpo mun ali tawa jan pi toki pona

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:22 pm
by janMato
I set up a "newsletter" Actually all it does it aggregate any links I post on my @janMato twitter account, which sometimes are tp related, sometimes just conlang or linguistics related.

On this page I pretty much explain how to track down toki pona related content as it appears on the web:

Re: toki musi pi tenpo mun ali tawa jan pi toki pona

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:53 pm
by Jan KoAla
sina mute li toki pona.

taso, mi pilin e ni: mi mute li ken pali e ijo sin tawa toki pona.

Having something like a monthly newsletter, to me at least, wouldn't mean just aggregating other content. I think it could be a way for the more passive of users to get their toki pona fix. If there's any interest that is.

Having a group project with somewhat of a deadline could be interesting for the toki pona community as well. sina mute li pilin e seme tawa ni?

Re: toki musi pi tenpo mun ali tawa jan pi toki pona

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:06 pm
by Kuti
Maybe not monthly but yes

Re: toki musi pi tenpo mun ali tawa jan pi toki pona

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:03 am
by janMato
jan li wile awen e ilo kalama lon soweli tomo pi linja sinpin. jan ni li ken open e pali suli ni.

The one who wants to put the bell on the cat gets to start. The problem with paper magazines is that they're optimized for the problems of the physical world-- they have to be compiled and physically shipped, so they are bundled up into packets of 12. Magazines also have a system of professional writers, editors, etc.

For internet languages like toki pona, it doesn't take much content to overwhelm all available channels. Also, once the content arrives, it stays permanently. So when a newbie arrives to toki pona, they would get a lot of benefit from starting with texts written in 2002 and working their way forward (2000-2002 imho, has dodgy toki pona, after that it pretty much stabilizes)

The toki pona community has been bouncing from site to site since it started - livejournal, the mailing list, then some people on blogs, then tokilili, the forum, some people on twitter, some people on facebook-- but the FB activity is almost invisible to the public so it's hard to say how much tp activity there is on FB. A newsletter is really, in my mind, just another channel and one that is most similar to a blog.

I seriously considered putting together an anthology out of existing works-- but the more I read, the more often I come across mistakes that just can't be fixed because I don't know what the author had in mind. I'm sure a really good copy editor could find 150 mistakes in this post I'm writing, but they could fix it because English is good enough to express everthing, even with a few mistakes. With a few mistakes in toki pona, an entire sentence's intention can disappear.

Re: toki musi pi tenpo mun ali tawa jan pi toki pona

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:20 pm
by Kuti
paper or internet ?

mi toki e ni: lipu li lipu :P

We could make an internet & a printable version of the same document

Re: toki musi pi tenpo mun ali tawa jan pi toki pona

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:00 pm
by Jan KoAla
I was thinking just interent. I don't think anyone is willing to put in the money for a paper one right now.

I agree with jan Mato a lot too, but it's also one of the reasons why I think this is important. There is a lot of scattered toki pona throughout the internet, and some of it is hard to decipher. So, I was thinking if we had, say jan Mato and jan Kipo as kind of editors in cheif, it would help create more toki pona that is consistent in its rules and can be easily read.

Basically, I think the paper/magazine/mass email could consist of a few articles in English going over some things as a status update or maybe some obscure toki pona grammar. Then, some stories either translations, original, or topical news. Not too long, but as long as it is edited well it could be very beneficial.

Re: toki musi pi tenpo mun ali tawa jan pi toki pona

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:03 pm
by janKipo
Thanks for volunteering me, but no thanks. I did that for eight years once and that was more than enough. That said, I like the idea of getting all the stuff together -- the stuff since the last collection and stuff that one missed. But I am inclined to think that it is largely the authors' responsibility, with maybe someone to correct (and get readings when what is meant is obscure). There appear to be now a number of dump sites where anyone with an entrance code can drop things and, perhaps, anyone with a slightly different code can edit.
There aren't a lot of difficult grammar question in tp, due to the simple grammar. But there are, I find from the the reader of my "lessons", a lot of vocab questions. Picking out the right meaning from context is not always as easy as it seems to the writer (who knows what it means) and keeping the array of possibilities in front of one often needs more help and practice (You can write tp in a day and read a lot in a week, but learning the language takes an age.) So long discussion of the range of various words seems more to the point than discussing all the things that modification can do, for example.

Re: toki musi pi tenpo mun ali tawa jan pi toki pona

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:20 pm
by Jan KoAla
I understand and don't mean to sign anyone up for anything. Just using the two top members these days as an example :D

I'm mostly just brainstorming the possibilites and think you're right on the vocabulary questions.